Whine and Dine

Monday, February 14, 2005

Valentine's Reflections

I got this Valentine's Day card this morning from this girl at the station.
Although she had a Lipton Ice t-shirt on... and she seemed to be handing out a lot of cards rather indiscriminately... *sigh*

I don't think I've ever really bought into the whole Valentine's Day thing. Or any major annual holiday/celebration. For whatever the reason - be it loneliness, the blatant commercialisation of the event (and my inherent cheapness), or an avid distaste for the colour red - I just can't seem to get into the spirit. Or as is more likely, I'm just too busy to notice the date, let alone it's significance (unless of course, it involves a public holiday). And once you've missed one, you realise that the world keeps turning, no-one has noticed your absence, and your life isn't ruined by the fact that you missed a 24-hour period of common sentimentality with the rest of the world.


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