Whine and Dine

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Faith & Works

A man has heart surgery to live. He is left with a scar on his chest.
If he's had the life-saving surgery, then he cannot be scarless.
What is it that allows him to live? Is it the scar? No, it's the surgery.

Man is saved from hell, by faith in Jesus Christ. Faith results in good works.
If he's been saved, then he cannot live a sinful life.
What is it that saves him? Is it his good works? No, it's faith.

Friday, April 15, 2005

The Godfather

My boss' twin god-daughters came in to the office today, and thoroughly enjoyed the whiteboard.
The one in red writes with her right.
The one in blue blites with her bleft.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Once, Twice, Three Times a Loser

I lost 3 things on the weekend. I lost my appetite. I lost some weight (presumably the result of my appetite loss). And I lost somthing else too. I'm not sure how long I can last without it. The appetite-loss and weight-loss I can deal with. But this is not something I can afford to lose, especially now. Oh well, I'll give it a couple of weeks. If I don't have it back by then, I'm gonna be in real trouble.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Sniff Sniff

Does anyone smell smoke?

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Love-Hate Relationships

How possible is it to live in a love-hate relationship? Having just been debriefed about a short-term mission to India, it struck me that some of the living conditions in India can be quite atrocious by our affluent western standards. And it made me think "how can you effectively evangelise people if you can't stand the place they live in?"
Can you say "I want to evangelise these people, but I won't because I couldn't possibly live in the same conditions as them"? Is it possible to love the people but be put off by the environment in which they dwell?
Can you love the people but so hate their situation that you don't minister to them? Is it then OK to pick your ministries according to where you feel comfortable? Can you justify not doing a ministry just because it doesn't suit you?